Sunday, July 26, 2009

An illegible highway sign says it all

An illegible highway sign
Hangs by one unsheared bolt
Upside down on a galvanized pole
Beside the only road out of town

Not heeded by the reckless
Not needed by the cautious
Hard to read and hardly read when legible
Seen while exiting the town's one lonely cafe

You may not be in the habit of reading signs

Signs of the seasons? Nope.
I got girly shop calendars for that on the wall
Signs of the times? Nope.
I got CNN news on the tube and they're on the ball
Signs of the cross? Nope.
Unless I'm on the ropes, not til Judgment day calls

Route drivers circle back to receive board special sacraments
Chew chicken fried steak silently in cafe booths built for four
Say nothing about alleged dangers down the road, nada
Nada about scenic overlooks or interesting strangers, nothing

At days end when twilight begins, night starts to roll in
A driver is on their own with maps of private publication

1 comment:

Tejasplants said...

Great symbolism. When all is said and done, we travel the road of life alone with our self-scribed maps in languages and nuances that no one else can interpret. And sometimes we don't want anyone to try.

Pensive and haunting. A fine piece.